COVID Garage Concert for Neighbors
Wayne Howe Performs COVID Garage Concert
April 20th, 2020 , Rotonda West, FL — We Performed a COVID Shutdown Garage Concert for the Neighbors. We set up the garage and played a good old Saturday evening garage concert for the neighbors. Everyone those in attendance practiced the brought coolers and lawn chairs and set up six feet apart as called for by social distancing. It was a hot spring night in Southwest Florida, but it really felt good to be playing for folks again.
Garage Concert Set Up
The set list started out with some songs for the occassion about being caught up or locked down. They included “Midnight Special, Folsom Prison, and Any Day Now.” As a tribute to John Prine who we lost to the virus, we sang “Angel from Montgomery.” Prine was an incredible folk song writer and performer. His songs were recorded by many top artists.
We then moved on to some typical beach bar fun songs such as Five O’Clock Somewhere, No Shirts No Shoes No Problem, Toes, and others. Happily I got to play a dozen original songs that seemed to be welcomed by everyone. Several neighbors had heard them before from different venues.
It was very hot for April, but the sunset was Southwest Florida beautiful and we played well past dusk. I had cold water and some ice cold white wine to keep things cool … just a great time.
— Wayne